Alpha Wann Official Alpha Wann Official


“Psychologists highlight the role of emotional intelligence in navigating the complexities of relationships. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions, as well as understand and empathize with the emotions of others” Alpha Wann

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Breakdown in a relationship or marriage. what solutions
Alpha Wann Official Alpha Wann Official

Breakdown in a relationship or marriage. what solutions

“In a relationships or marriage, problems can quickly show their ugly heads. So solutions should be put in place well before the relationship or marriage. Be on the “Better prevent that cure“ mode.

Alpha Wann

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Polygamy, why more and more women accept it
Alpha Wann Official Alpha Wann Official

Polygamy, why more and more women accept it

“Polygamy is a choice. A man at the center of several women, may be an unbalanced scenario, just like a women at the center of several men; unlike in monogamy. In the latter, the scenario may be boring but equilibrated.” Alpha Wann

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chemistry role in love bonding
Alpha Wann Official Alpha Wann Official

chemistry role in love bonding

"Chemistry in love" remains a captivating mystery to many. It is to be uncovered, to fully understand how love works.

Alpha Wann

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Should you marry or not?
Alpha Wann Official Alpha Wann Official

Should you marry or not?

“Marriage is like a meal cooked by two. If it has the right ingredients and the right cooks, it will be delicious or else no one will fancy it“ Alpha Wann

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