there is love, but then there is true love.

Love is one of the most beautiful emotions we experience as human beings, as the saying goes. It can bring us immense joy, happiness, and fulfillment. This is understandable. However, I learned that there are levels in everything. And love is certainly one of many levels of human emotions, whereas true love is a higher type of love. I trust, you want to be involved in true love, if not in higher forms of love. So let’s dig in and see what true love involves?


True love involves a sincere but effective two-way communication. One of the most important aspects of any relationship is communication as I mentioned many times before. It’s crucial to talk openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, needs, and expectations. Active listening and effective communication can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, and it will strengthen your bond. True love certainly involves sincerity.

Sincere Appreciation

Another aspect of true love involves showing regular appreciation to your partner: It’s essential to show appreciation and gratitude for your partner daily, if not very often. Tell them how much you truly love and value them. Show your appreciation through small gestures like buying them their favorite snack or leaving a beautiful love note. For example: “You are truly the sunshine of my life”. Or “With you I feel so full and complete. You are a true blessing to me”.

Total Devotion

Spending quality time with your partner is crucial for your relationship. It can be as simple as having a meaningful conversation over dinner or watching a movie together. Make time for each other and prioritise your relationship. If you consider your partner to be an highly valued person whether they are around you or not, then you would have done a great deal of them treating you also as a highly valuable person. An example of this is avoiding any exessive use of mobile phones, calls or social media at all time, not only when you are together. The only exeption would be if you are involved in a business that requires phones calls or networking.

Great Romance

By keeping your romance alive, your relationship will always be alive. It’s an essential part of relationship building. Surprise your partner with a romantic dinner, plan a weekend getaway, or write them a “true love” letter. Small gestures can go a long way in keeping the spark alive. Never underestimate the power of flowers, dinner candles, and great smelling scents.

Be Your Partner Big Fan

You would want to be very supportive to your partner’s dreams and goals. Encourage them and be their biggest cheerleader. Celebrate their successes and be there to cheer them up during their failures. Be her or his biggest fan by also showing admiration for what he or she does. If you do not agree or do not like any action or expression, invite them to a sincere chat and suggest your thoughts in a way that helps her or him do better. As a big fan of hers or his, she or he will be highly likely inclined to listen to you,

Real Respect

As I mentioned also many times before, In every relationship, respect is crucial. Respect each other’s opinions, boundaries, and values. Avoid name-calling, belittling, or being disrespectful towards each other. Humour and jokes are wonderful when put in context and not exagerated. Having a great sense of humour can help spice up any relationship. But if it is in excess or carry offensive connotations, it can ruin your relationship instead. In general every person wants real respect, regardless. This is even more important in a relationship.


Compromising can also help keep your relationship stronger. It’s essential to find a middle ground when there are disagreements or conflicts. Be willing to compromise and find a solution that works for both you and your partner. For example you could compromise on an expensive item you wanted badly, for the sake of saving or investing, in the interest of both you and your partner’s future. This is even more relevant if you have children.

Forgiveness Is A Cure

Always forgive past mistakes that your partner has made: Forgiveness is essential for any healthy relationship. Holding onto grudges or resentment can damage your relationship.When you forgive, you take off your shoulder a burden more or less heavy. You will feel much better yourself by doing so. And when you make a mistake, be prompt to apologise and if you can make up for it, it will also help heal any hurt, so to speak.

Be Your Partner’s Best Friend

If you always share good times with your partner, it doesn’t matter how big or small it may be, your partner will truly love it. Whether you sharer an apple, a candy, a bar of chocolate, or even a glass of water, it will show true love. Laughing together is one of the best joy enhancer by far: Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s essential to have fun and laugh together. Watch a comedy movie, tell funny stories, or play a silly game together. Let your partner be your best friend.

No Secret Is Needed

Always be open and honest about your sexual needs and desires. If you have fantasies about your intimacy, never keep it secret. You need to tell your partner. After all she is  involved in all aspects of your life, especially your desires and what makes you happy. So if you feel any way about your preferences, your ideas or fantasies, your partner is the best person to talk to about it.

A successful relationship requires effort, commitment, and even true love from both partners. Sincere communication, true appreciation, quality time, great romance, real support, real respect, compromise, forgiveness, laughter, and intimacy are all essential ingredients for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. By incorporating these true-love tips into your relationship, you can strengthen your relationship. You can truly transcend love into the higher realms of true love or unconditional love.


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