20 Signs That Your Marriage Or Relationship Is About To Go Downhill

There is a saying that goes: “It is easier to destruct than construct”. In case you don’t agree here is some more insight: You will agree that a giant tree that has taken years to grow can be taken down in a matter of hours.

Likewise, your relationship can go downhill easily and break apart if you see at least 5 of the following 20 signs. If you see any 10, it is very serious. And if you see between 10 and 20, it will take an extraordinary power and will from both of you to save the relationship. So here they are:

  1. Communication becomes strained or minimal.

  2. You or your partner become easily irritated or angry with each other.

  3. You or your partner begin to spend less time together.

  4. Intimacy levels decrease.

  5. You or your partner become less interested in each other's lives.

  6. You or your partner stop making an effort to make each other happy.

  7. You or your partner start to criticise each other more frequently.

  8. You or your partner stop compromising and become more selfish.

  9. Trust issues arise or become more prevalent.

  10. You or your partner feel unappreciated or undervalued.

  11. Arguments become more frequent and intense.

  12. You or your partner start to withdraw emotionally.

  13. One or both partners begin to look for validation outside of the relationship.

  14. You or your partner stop prioritising the relationship and start focusing more on individual goals.

  15. Resentment or bitterness starts to build up towards each other.

  16. One or both partners start to feel trapped or suffocated in the relationship.

  17. You or your partner start to avoid or ignore important issues in the relationship.

  18. One or both partners start to make decisions without consulting or considering the other.

  19. You or your partner become defensive or defensive in conversations or arguments.

  20. You or your partner stop enjoying each other's company or spending time together.

The above 20 signs are not exhaustive, see my blog on (MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE: UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLEXITIES AND IMPLICATIONS).

The signs also apply for any marriage. It is important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean that a relationship is doomed to fail, but they may be indications that the relationship is in need of attention, work, and potentially outside help such as counselling, therapy or coaching.


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