Relationships and marriages models need modeRnising

Relationships and marriage are often portrayed in popular media as the ultimate goal for any adult, as if finding a partner to share your life with is the key to happiness and fulfilment. However, the reality is much more complex and nuanced than this simplistic view. While there are certainly benefits to being in a committed relationship, it's important to acknowledge that it is not always easy, and it may not be the right choice for everyone. Modern day lifestyles are not compatible with olden day marriage or relationships anymore.

The Emotional Intelligence Factor

One of the biggest challenges of being in a relationship is the need to compromise. When two people come together, they inevitably bring their own unique perspectives, values, and needs. In order to make the relationship work, both partners must be willing to make concessions and find a middle ground that works for them both. This can be a difficult process, as it requires a high level of emotional intelligence and empathy. By the way, emotional intelligence is simply your ability to understand, use and manage your own emotions in positive ways, to relieve, communicate effectively, empathise with other (especially your partner, wife or husband), overcome challenges and diffuse conflicts.

I explained previously that if relationships and marriages were to be penned down in a contract where both sides agree on termes and agreements (no conditions needed) Then the relationship or marriage is more likely to work, not only that but be also a long lasting happy relationship or marriage. They would work much like a business partnership. And if anyone violate the agreement, then there should be some form of compensation.

With this model, the contract can be short or lengthy, depending on both sides wants and perspectives. All details are to be discussed thoroughly, agreed or desagreed upon before signatures before a witness.

This is a better model. But can still be improved upon.

The communication Factor Has Many Forms

In our modern times, another challenge that many couples face is the issue of communication as I also explained many times in my previous blogs. Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, yet it's something that many people struggle with. Being able to express your thoughts and feelings in a clear and respectful way is essential, as is being able to listen actively to your partner. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and even the breakdown of the relationship itself. But we all know that communication itself has many forms. Apart from verbal communication, which now mostly takes a digital form, there are also body language communication, such as outfits and clothing styles. Even colours can be a form of visual communication. Does your partner husband or wife likes the colour you are wearing today, for example?

A Contractual Agreement Is The Way Forward

Here is some insight that may not sit with everyone, including marriage experts: relationships and marriages as they are structured today, are obsolete. The simple reason is that they were compatible with the long gone customs and traditions of olden days, not today. That is the days of the people in the Bible, Coran or Torah, in simple termes: religion.

Since we live practically in a new era, have new ways and customs, that are compatible with the digital and technology age. Call me crazy but that is the best way to go, to save relationships and marriages. Then in a 30 or 50 years, new ways have to be found to match the 2070-80 days.

Finally, it's important to recognise that not everyone is cut out for marriage. Some people simply prefer to remain single, and that's okay. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to relationships, and it's important to respect the choices that other people make, even if they are different from your own.

In conclusion, while relationships and marriage can be rewarding and fulfilling, they are not without their challenges. It's important to approach these topics with a realistic and nuanced perspective, rather than simply accepting the conventional wisdom that being in a committed relationship is the key to happiness. By acknowledging the complexities of these issues, we can have more honest and productive conversations about what it means to be in a healthy, fulfilling relationship.


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