One of the many gifts that every man and woman is endowed with, is the gift of the ability to change our minds. You can have a better marriage or relationship by simply changing your mind in the right direction.


The President Of The United States Of America

In early August 1943, at the height of the Second World War, a young naval officer named John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his nine colleagues had an incident with a Japanese destroyer called Amagiri. Around two O’clock in the morning, he and his comrades' sailors' boat came close to their end. Their small boat was wrecked inadvertently by a Japanese Destroyer. They began an intense battle of survival in deep waters. Two of them were killed in the incident. The remaining seven hanged on to their boat’s wreckage awaiting for some luck to see another day.


The young officer helped his sailors as much as he could and barely succeeded in finding a hospitable island on sight. Finally after 4 days without food and water and exhausted, their fortune turned: their luck came in the form of a rescue by two native islanders of Nauru, situated in the Western Pacific Ocean. One of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his sailors' life savers was called Eroni Kumana. He eventually lived to see his 93rd birthday. The future President of the United States Of America was just saved by two men of African descent.

A Significant Change Of Mind


In 1963, as the President of the United States of America, John F Kennedy gave a televised speech to the American people announcing that he would send a Civil Rights bill to Congress, to introduce a new law, which was to become The Civil Rights Act of 1964, A new start for Justice and Equality for African Americans, who were still mistreated by mainstream America. 

Could the saving of his life and his American comrades back in 1943 by two African men, played a big role in Kennedy’s change of mind? It is debatable. But It is a fact that any society’s citizens, to a high degree, are influenced by the general culture that prevails. And in America, this culture was racial prejudice and segregation. It had become a deep habit shared and entrenched deep in the heart of many American citizens. John F. Kennedy might have been of the same narrative, and had his chance to change his mind for the better. He seized his opportunity when substantial unrest ignited throughout the South. To change that old habit in many American men and women, John F. Kennedy, after three years as the President of the United States of America did the unthinkable: Change of mind. For that, he became not just a national, but a global icon.

  Exude Happiness In your Marriage Or Relationship


Shifting your attitude toward your marriage from unpleasant to pleasant is a major upgrade. All attempts to grow, acquire and develop new good habits boil down to one thing: a pursuit of happiness. Imagine you are on top of any thing that you come up with: You receive a bill, you say: “Awesome, I am happy you arrived, I will pay with thanks. Imagine you fail your exam and say: I am happy I failed. Here is another chance for me to show that I can shine”. Imagine someone steals your wallet that contains a fortune and you say, “I am grateful someone is fortunate today thanks to me”. Imagine you lose a loved one and you say; “I am happy he is now at rest and in peace”. Imagine you are in a marriage where you feel lonely and say, “I am happy. I have the opportunity to develop my inner self, for I am the sole creator of my own happiness.”

When your mental attitude is that of habitual gratefulness, happiness cannot be alien to you. You can only be a magnet to happy returns. You are more likely to, very often see, feel, taste, hear, touch happiness. 


“Happiness is  a mental attitude which can be cultivated and developed” according to Maxwell Maltz, author of the outstanding book Psycho-Cybernetics. If you do not make yourself happy, no one will. You may go to see a play at the theatre to be happy, But will you be when the play ends? You may say, “if I make a million dollars, I will be happy”. But will you really be happy if you get your million dollar only to find out that you will have to pay a million Dollar bill for a treatment to fight an illness?


New Good Habits Are The Way Forward

Happiness is really a habit you create and develop. Life does not try to please anyone. It lets you define what is good for you and what is bad. You have the raw material in the form of energy. Life does not take sides but it will allow you to take sides. This is why we can decide to succeed or fail in any endeavour let alone in our marriage or relationships. 


When new good habits are installed in you by you, the laws of life are put to work. One of the laws of life I discussed before in my works, is the Law of Attraction. It is a powerful law and governs success and failure amongst other vital life aspirations. In his brilliant book, You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor describes the Law Of Attraction as: “The underlying principle that governs the level of your personal prosperity”. So again even acquiring a new good habit pertains to working with the Law of Attraction, albeit we may not even realise it is at work.In ancient times, before the advent of the land called America today, lived great tribes: the Hopi, the Washitaw, the Hula, the Mojave amongst others. In one of their remarkable ceremonies, there was a rain-dance ritual to invoke their ancestors to bring down rain. This tribal event is common to some African tribes such as the Balobedu in Azania, Southern Africa, Ethiopia and the Sahara desert. This dance consists of particular body movements that are harmonious yet rhythmic and can last for hours, pleading with the Gods, ancestors to provide rain. This is still being practiced thanks to those tribes who still have faith in the powers of nature. In most of those rituals, not long after the ceremony ends, the rain comes falling down in abundance.

This amazing ritual that produces the goods is down to one thing: habits. It is the number of moves that are repeated over and over for a sustained period of time. Then it is repeated as often as required.

A change of mind is a change of “fortune”. If you are not satisfied with your marriage or relationship, you owe it to yourself to change your mind for good. And as the saying goes: the only thing that is constant in life is change.


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