My Honest Truth About Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process for both parties involved. In some cases, the process can be further complicated by legal disputes and lawsuits. However, it's important to remember that divorce is not the end of the road. People often find happiness and fulfilment after a divorce.

Before Jumping Into A New Relationship

It's not uncommon for individuals to remarry and find happiness with a new partner. However, it's important to take the time to heal and reflect on what went wrong in the previous marriage before jumping into a new one. It's also crucial to address any unresolved emotional issues and work towards personal growth and development.

Seek Quality Advice

If you or someone you know is going through a divorce or contemplating a divorce, it's recommended to seek the advice of a qualified family law attorney or a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process and help navigate the legal and emotional challenges that come with divorce.

 It Is A “War”

One brutal truth about divorce is that it can be a highly stressful and emotionally draining process for everyone involved, especially the spouses and their children. It can also be financially and legally complex, with both parties needing to negotiate a fair settlement agreement that covers property division, child custody, and support. It Is a bit of a war. And it can be a real nasty one.

What Is Involved

Divorce often involves significant changes in lifestyle and can cause a great deal of uncertainty and upheaval in the lives of those involved. It can also lead to feelings of loss, anger, betrayal, and depression. 

Furthermore, the legal process of divorce can take a long time, and the longer it takes, the more expensive it can be.

No Guarantees

Another brutal truth is that even though divorce can sometimes be the best solution for a troubled marriage, it does not necessarily guarantee happiness or a better life. It is up to the individuals involved to work through their issues, learn from their mistakes, and rebuild their lives in a positive way.

How About Staying Unmarried To Avoid A Divorce

Staying unmarried can provide a sense of freedom in the sense that one has more autonomy over their own life choices and decisions without needing to consider the needs and desires of a spouse or family. However, it is important to recognise that freedom is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be influenced by various factors, such as social norms, personal values, cultural background, and economic circumstances.

“The option of choosing to stay single, not getting married is freedom, a bit like crossing the desert without company.“


While remaining unmarried may offer some degree of freedom, it also comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, such as managing one's finances, social and emotional support networks, and overall well-being. Being single can also mean having to navigate societal expectations and norms around relationships, which can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or social stigma.

It is also important to learn that opting to be unmarried is choosing the freedom of doing as you please without any marital rules or normes. This suggest putting yourself also in a position where you will be bound to accept the same guaranteed freedom for any eventual partner, who would not want to marry as well.

Ultimately, the degree to which staying unmarried equates to total freedom will depend on an individual's unique circumstances and personal beliefs. Some people may find that staying single is the best path for them, while others may seek companionship and partnership through marriage or other forms of long-term commitment. It is important to approach these decisions with careful consideration and seek out support and guidance as needed.

Divorce is a difficult and complex process that can have long-lasting effects on those involved. It is important to approach it with caution and seek out support and guidance from professionals to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved.


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