How To Ask A rich single man Out On A date and Get A Yes for an Answer

Dear Mr….

I hope this email/message finds you well. 

I am writing to you today to express my deep admiration for you and to propose a union between us.

From the first time I saw you, I was struck by your intelligence, kindness, and the way you carry yourself. Your passion for life and your commitment to your work have only deepened my admiration for you.

I understand that it is not traditional for a woman to propose a relationship to a man, but I believe that true love and a deep connection between two people should not be bound by convention or tradition. 

I am willing to take the bold step of writing to you and expressing my feelings because I believe that we could have a wonderful life together.

I am aware of the responsibilities that come with being in a committed relationship, and I am ready to take on those responsibilities with grace and dedication. 

I am not asking for a life of luxury or privilege, but rather a life of purpose and joy alongside you.

 I am not making this proposal lightly or impulsively. I have thought long and hard about this, and I am certain that I love you and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

If you are willing to consider my proposal, I would be honoured to meet with you in person to discuss the details of our union. If not, I understand and respect your decision, and I will continue to hold you in the highest regard as a person and as an inspiration in my life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I eagerly await your response.


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How To Ask A woman Out fOr A date and Get A Yes for an Answer