How To Ask A woman Out fOr A date and Get A Yes for an Answer

There are millions of ways to get the attention of a woman or a girl (over-age only), but if you truly want to get her out on a date, you have to have an excellent communication skill, assuming she is not already married or interested in something else. Let’s cut straight to the chase.

Start with this expression by saying it clearly and decisively:

"Would you do me the honour of going on a date with me?"

If you start with a compliment, such as “I like your hair”, or “you are beautiful”, or “I really love your style”, chances are that she already heard it from another man or even her mum or dad. She will probably just say “thank you“ with a smile and quickly move on. So do not start with any of those expressions.

Compliments do work but only after a date. 

When you use the word “HONOUR”, asking a woman out on date, she will want to show the honour in her. The word HONOUR is in many ways associated with ROYALTY, LOYALTY AND COURAGE.

 When you are asking a woman or girl out on a date,  using the word HONOUR can convey a sense of respect and admiration for her. 

It implies that you hold her in high esteem and that going on a date with her would be a privilege. By using the word "honour," you are acknowledging the potential importance and impact that a date with her could have on your life.

Additionally, using the word "honour" can also demonstrate that you are a person of integrity and that you are serious about pursuing a relationship with this person. It shows that you are not simply looking for a casual or superficial connection, but rather that you are interested in getting to know them on a deeper level.

Overall, using the word "honour" when asking someone out on a date can be a way of expressing your genuine interest and respect for them, and it can set a positive tone for the beginning of a potentially meaningful relationship. The probability of you succeeding is indeed very high.

Once you are out on the date with this woman, who has done you the honour of going out on a date with you, you can then engage in a meaningful conversation with her. Always use respectful expressions and a balanced sense of humour, if you have sense of humour.

To help you out here are 20 expressions you can use to further make her more interested in you.


  1. "It's great to finally meet you in person!"

  2. "You look absolutely stunning tonight."

  3. "I'm really excited to spend time with you and get to know you better."

  4. "What's the most interesting thing about yourself that you can tell me?"

  5. "I'm glad we chose this place for our date. It's perfect."

  6. "Can I get you another drink?"

  7. "You have a beautiful smile."

  8. "I love the way you laugh."

  9. "So tell me, what do you like to do for fun?"

  10. "You have a really interesting perspective on things."

  11. "I'm having a great time with you."

  12. "I appreciate your honesty about [ relationships, for example].”

  13. "I'm really impressed by your accomplishments."

  14. "I've been looking forward to this date all week."

  15. "I feel like we have a lot in common."

  16. "You have a great sense of humour."

  17. "I admire your passion for [health and beauty, for example].”

  18. "What do you think about [marriage, for example]?”

  19. "I really enjoy spending time with you."

  20. "I hope we can do this again soon."

You can date any woman or girl (not minor), it doesn’t matter their status, whether they are rich or poor, very beautiful or even a celebrity. All you need is the courage to speak to them while doing it in a respectful and clear manner. 


How To Ask A rich single man Out On A date and Get A Yes for an Answer


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